Check out My Accountability Partner Podcast on iTunes. Weekly tips with lessons and experience.
Nichole Banks is an Accountability Coach and shares her stories and lessons weekly. Let's get to know each other and have some fun.

To chat with Nichole (with an H in her name) drop her a line here:




Here are 4 of my ritual behaviors that dare me to begin each day:1. Wake up: Coffee, make bed, workout, even I don't have anything planned! 2. Personal Development3. Face my Fears4. Celebrate

If you’re stuck I ask you to go home and make 3 list: 1. Make a list of what excites and inspires YOU?2. What are you tolerating and what are you putting up with?3. Write down how you would feel once you accomplished each of your activities that excite you.

Envision that accomplishment, and then: I DARE YOU TO BEGIN!!!!

You can see my triathlon journey on my Instagram stories as they appear...

Check out My Accountability Partner Podcast on iTunes. Weekly tips with lessons and experience.
Nichole Banks is an Accountability Coach and shares her stories and lessons weekly. Let's get to know each other and have some fun.

To chat with Nichole (with an H in her name) drop her a line here:




Here are 4 of my ritual behaviors that dare me to begin each day:
1. Wake up: Coffee, make bed, workout, even I don't have anything planned! 
2. Personal Development
3. Face my Fears
4. Celebrate

If you’re stuck I ask you to go home and make 3 list: 
1. Make a list of what excites and inspires YOU?
2. What are you tolerating and what are you putting up with?
3. Write down how you would feel once you accomplished each of your activities that excite you.

Envision that accomplishment, and then: I DARE YOU TO BEGIN!!!!

You can see my triathlon journey on my Instagram stories as they appear...

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