We find ourselves in quite a crazy crisis right now but there is still so much to be grateful for and we can only look forward at the opportunities that are present in front of us. Today's show is the recording of a live broadcast in which the Q&A traverses the usual range of topics with the added element of the coronavirus and quarantine! The first point that is made is that this is an opportunity like none other; why not use this quarantine period and break from regular routine to do something you have always wanted to do or make some important changes in your life? The hurdles that we find in our path are the only way to growth! Ben makes an argument for why this is a better time than any to offer value to others. Whether in your business or outside of it, show people what you can do for them and you will reap the rewards. Ben and Ash talk about their routines during this lockdown period and share some of the steps they have taken to make sure this time is profitable and healthy.

They also give a bunch of practical advice for certain exercises and how to incorporate better breathing into your routines before tackling the subject of female weight-loss. The episode ends off with some thoughts on cycling in and out of keto and how to help your body through regular fasting. Thank you to our awesome show sponsor, makers of my favorite grass-fed collagen and powdered MCT: BUBS, a company making just a few extremely high-quality products and giving back a whopping 10% of their sales to charity. I use their powdered collagen and MCT in my coffee every morning. Use the code MUSCLE for a full 20% off your purchase HERE



Current opportunities for innovation and support; obstacles as the way to growth. [0:50] The group coaching program that Ben is launching next week! [4:50] Figuring out how to provide more value during this crisis. [8:49] The concept of unimpeachable credentials; more meaningful than anything else. [14:00] Ben's quarantine experience so far and how he started taking action ASAP. [15:38] Doing better instead of more to scale your current projects. [18:02] Routines for food and exercise around the Pakulski home. [24:37] The opportunities that are offered by quarantine to make a massive change. [30:15] Squatting techniques, getting back to bodybuilding and better weight-loss practices. [35:05] Optimizing breathing and opening up the diaphragm for fuller inhalation. [39:20] Finding ways to improve on and beat competitors in your lane. [46:11] Some workout recommendations from Ben for better extensions and range. [48:30] Obstacles to female weight-loss; eating too little, bad gut health and not lifting enough. [50:50] Keto periods and cycling in and out of these as a health tool. [54:30] Some exciting news about the Muscle Intelligence membership site and blog! [1:02:16] Fasting and taking a break from meat protein to jumpstart cell-death. [1:10:15]