How Launching a Membership Can Transform Your Business If you have a product-based, service-based or information-based business like myself, then you’re going to love learning how to launch your own membership! I know so many of you are interested in learning how to bring recurring revenue into your business month after month. And it’s important to note that having regular income reduces stress and increases stability in your business.This episode is proudly brought to you by TRIBE. An incredible online course and community led by Stu McLaren, one of my main mentors and a dear friend. He is literally the go-to guy when it comes to pitching business owners on how to come up with a recurring revenue model in their business AKA simple monthly subscriptions, whether it’s a service, a product or a membership site.Back in the day, Karl and I were contemplating having a membership for the Mums With Hustle brand, but we didn’t know what type membership it would be. I’m really glad we did not start pursuing the idea until we started educating ourselves. At first, Karl and I were scared to buy TRIBE because we have not spent that much in an online course. But, it was such an eye-opener! ABOUT OUR TODAY’S GUEST: Our guest for this episode is Jessica Donovan, an Inner Circle Mastermind mentee and a TRIBE graduate who is running a thriving membership of her own. She’s a mama of two and a qualified naturopath. Jessica helps mums to raise super kids with healthy food and natural medicines.This week, Jessica will share how she launched her membership in the early days and her top tip when it comes to running a membership.Let’s get into it! JESSICA’S BUSINESS JOURNEY Jessica started naturopathy early on, straight out of high school. She knew that the traditional role of a naturopath (sitting in clinic with clients all day) is not for her as she loves travelling. So she started an online business that is all about mum’s health to help mums with their energy levels.Jessica built a small community and asked them what online course they would like for her to create. She says, “At the end of the list, I caught an option for kid’s health and I was shocked. That was, by far, the most popular thing that people wanted from me.” >>> KEY TAKEAWAY 1: LISTEN TO YOUR AUDIENCE Jessica says that a big factor is listening to what her audience wanted, even if it was off-track to what she was initially thinking about creating.She listened to her community and created a course about keeping their children healthy with their nutrition, gut health and immune system. She catered to what her audience wanted, rather than what she thought she wanted. The course was really successful when she launched it. Her list was around 300 people at the time and 65 people joined the program. So cool! HOW DID JESSICA START HER MEMBERSHIP? After the success of her online program, she pivoted her business from focusing on mum’s health to focusing to their kid’s health, entirely. She knew that people would want more support from her.When she came across TRIBE and Stu McLaren’s program about memberships back in 2017, she learned all about how to create a successful membership program, the ins and outs of it, and then launched a membership. WHAT WAS JESSICA’S MINDSET WHEN SHE JOINED TRIBE Jessica shares that she was sick of having a “roller-coaster launch” where one month there was loads of cash coming in, but next month there was none. As you may know, having an irregular income is hard to deal with, psychologically, for a business owner.At first, she didn’t have any idea on the type of membership she wanted to offer. But she knew that kid’s health, her product, was an ongoing process. She says that she did not know what that would look like before joining TRIBE. >>> KEY TAKEAWAY 2: DON'T THINK TOO HARD, JUST DIVE-IN! There you go, ladies! You don’t need to have all your ducks in a row before joining TRIBE.