What Is The Number One Thing That Most Business Owners Overlook? If you are in the early days or seed stage of starting your business, this one is for you! We talked about one of the biggest mistakes a lot of women make when they start their businesses and what those ladies who have existing businesses (and wish to grow them) have missed doing the first time. A lot of business owners say that one mistake they made, most often their “regret” is not building an audience. When they focused more on the image of their brand - the website, the logo, the colours - they are forgetting that they need an audience when it is the time to launch. When this happens, the excitement of having a new business becomes insanely stressful and overwhelming. If you’ve asked yourself these things: - “Who’s gonna buy my product?”
- “How long can I survive in the business without making money?”
- “How do I begin to get clients?” Then let me help you, ladies, on how to get a clearer picture on who your ideal customers are. If you are already a member Social Method Society, you can access one of our trainings called “Social Beginning” to help you nail that. If you’re not a member yet, you can also check this free related podcast. So let’s get into it!
Here are the main snapshots on how to increase your audience for your business:
>> Create Instagram account and Facebook page - Claim your space in social media even before you start launching. This can help you start building up your audience even before day one. Take the people in the behind the scenes and in your journey of creating your business. >>Start learning your social media platforms - Learn the ins and outs of your online accounts to maximise the interaction with your customers. The secret is this: Know who your audience is and build your organic audience. You don’t need to have a lot of cash to slash, like the big brands, to utilise paid advertisements and create traffic on your online platforms. You just have to start creating organic audience - '“organic” means a following you built for free on both Instagram and Facebook. Don’t worry, you don't have to have everything figured out before you launch on your social media. Claim your space and begin hustling. You got this, girlfriend!
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