Turning Connections Into Clients When you are asked what you do for a living, what do you say in order to make connections? One of the keys to moving more towards connection is to feel comfortable and confident communicating your value in a way that is clear and concise. Today’s episode is going to set you up for success when it comes to speaking about what you offer and who you serve. Today’s guest, Suzi Dafnis, will be teaching you how to formulate your own Connection Statement through her four step process. Suzi is the CEO at HerBusiness, a collaborative and supportive community. For over 20 years, she’s helped women develop the skills and the network to go from being a solopreneur to growing a sustainable business. During this episode, Suzi is going to share what exactly a Connection Statement is and why it’s important. She will also be sharing how to create your own Statement so that you are better able to turn your connections into clients!
Key Takeaways:
>> [0:23] This episode is proudly brought to you by mumswithhustle.com which is the ultimate online learning hub supporting mums in starting, growing and scaling drop dead gorgeous businesses. >> [1:28] Many of you have taken the time to leave me a review on Instagram, which I really appreciate! When you do this it makes us more discoverable, and we can reach as many women as possible. That is truly what our mission is about at Mums With Hustle. We want to empower women through quality content, rich conversation, and inspiring stories that motivate action! >> [2:03] This week’s episode is going to see you using a formula to create a compelling statement that you can share everywhere (in real life and online) that gets your message across without being salesy. This way you start turning connections into clients! >> [2:38] Today's guest is Suzi Dafnis! Suzi is the CEO at HerBusiness, a collaborative and supportive community. For over 20 years, she’s helped women develop the skills and the network to go from being a solopreneur to growing a sustainable business. >> [3:35] During this episode, Suzi is going to share what exactly a Connection Statement is, why it’s important and how to create your own so that you are better able to turn your connections into clients! >> [6:15] Suzi’s BIG passion is helping women business owners who want to grow great businesses, create their ideal lifestyle and make a difference in the world. >> [8:41] Like Karl and I, Suzi and her husband, PJ, work together (but in separate offices!). They’ve had to really define what their roles are! >> [9:52] Why is a “Connection Statement” so important to connect with your audience, clients and customers straight away?
MAKING CONNECTIONS A Connection Statement is a simple way to explain what you do so that people know immediately who you serve, and also who you are not for.
Your Connection Statement helps prevent entrepreneurs from getting tongue-tied so they can talk about what they do without confusion and start making more sales.
When the other person gets what you do, it’s easy for them to support you and refer you. >> [13:02] When it comes to your Connect Statement, the first place you need to start is by thinking about who you are serving.
GETTING CLEAR ON YOUR SOUL MATE CLIENT Know who you are going to target.
Even though you may have a number of different ideal clients, likely there’s a particular type of person that is most suited to your product or service and the way that you deliver it.
Remember, when we don’t have a specific type of client in mind, we can waste time spending our time and attention on the wrong people. >> [17:00] Step 2 of Suzi’s Connection Formula is to know your client's pain point or problem.
KNOWING THEIR PAIN POINT OR PROBLEM There are internal and external pain points.
Identify the results that you can get for that ideal client (this result should be what alleviates their pain).