8 Hot Tips From Happy and Successful Mums In Business When I first started the Mums With Hustle Podcast I had no idea what it would become. I had no listeners, no Instagram following and no business experience. It was purely about wanting to share my business journey in the hopes that it would help at least one person. It was also about uniting all of us in our shared experience of business and motherhood through tips and action-taking. These episodes have come out weekly over the past four years and as I have evolved, the podcast has evolved too; however, it remains true to its initial purpose of education, inspiration and community! The ripple effects that are being felt far across the world by women of all faiths, ethnicities, beliefs and lifestyles are honestly astounding and I want to take a moment to stop and celebrate our progression, our collective journey and our community! And since we are massive supporters of female entrepreneurship and navigating the motherhood/entrepreneurship journey at the same time, I've asked several kick-ass women in business, some who will be familiar faces because they were guests before and some who are appearing on the podcast for the first time, to join me and share their best tips for early stage business owners who are just starting out.
Key Takeaways:
>> [0:28] I’ve actually got a few butterflies fluttering around in my stomach right now because this is episode 200! Can you believe that?! When I first started the Mums With Hustle Podcast I had no idea what it would become. I had no listeners, no Instagram following and no business experience. It was purely about wanting to share my business journey in the hopes that it would help at least one person. It was also about uniting all of us in our shared experience of business and motherhood. >> [3:08] I've asked several kick-ass women in business, some who will be familiar faces because they were guests before and some who are appearing on the podcast for the first time, to join me and share their best tips for early stage business owners who are just starting out. >> [4:42] Up first we have Allison Hardy. Allison Hardy helps mompreneurs create 6-figure businesses on their terms through a hearty dose of automation, strategic email funnels to sell their products/services, and leveraging authentic and social media through Facebook Groups to become the go-to expert in their niche. Allison has been a guest on the podcast before where she shared her best tips to hack the Facebook algorithm. You can check out episode 120 HERE.
What are Allison’s best tips? Build your email list early! Don’t procrastinate on that.
The function of your social media should be to grow your email list.
Why? Because your email list is yours, it’s algorithm proof, and it can be 100% automated. >> [6:18] Next we have Jennifer Allwood. Jennifer is a business coach and lifestyle influencer that teaches women how to monetize their online platforms. She loves to help creative women turn their talents and hobbies into lucrative online businessese!
What are Jennifer’s best tips? Get around like-minded people.
You should look for people who are all trying to do what you’re trying to do in your business.
Their tips and resources will be really helpful to getting you to where you want to go faster. >> [08:24] Steph Pase is next! Steph is the woman behind "Just Another Mummy Blog". The mother of two is the Aussie queen of organisation. Steph chats about all things motherhood, fitness, mental health and of course her specialty; organising and life hacks. Steph's main mission is to make women feel in control of their lives and homes. Her organisation hacks are now known as "stephing", a term her audiences uses when organising and using her everyday hacks. Steph also recently launched her very first product "Steph Pase Planners"!!
What are Steph’s best tips? Don’t be scared to show your audience the real you and the p...