What does it mean to embrace a multicultural, democratic society in a nation scarred by Apartheid? Join us for the second part of our interview with Dr. Julian Sonn, who has spent the last thirty years working towards transformational change in South Africa. From the exuberance of the first democratic elections in 1994 to the ongoing quest for inclusivity, Dr. Sonn offers an in-depth look at the power and potential for leadership in bringing about transformation for South Africans.

We recorded this just after a historic election took place here that offers powerful potential for change– if people can learn to work together. Dr. Sonn talks about the legacies of colonialism, fascism, and systemic oppression that has left an indelible mark on the country.  As he reflects on both the progress and setbacks over the last three decades, he underscores the potential of the VISIONS model to overcome barriers and move toward multicultural democracy, which has deep implications for understanding both the stakes and the possibilities of the present moment in South Africa and beyond.

Will we see you in Boston in September 2024 for VISIONS 40th Anniversary Celebration? Learn more here!

Interested in learning more about our approach and model? VISIONS offers a pay-what-you-can (free if you want!) introduction to our Guidelines for Effective Cross Cultural Dialogue on the last Wednesday of every month. All are welcome. Learn more about Guidelines and our other programs here!

Some terms:
Afrikaans - a language spoken in South Africa with influences from the descendants of European (Dutch, German, and French) colonists, indigenous Khoisan peoples, and enslaved African and Asian people in the Dutch colony at the Cape of Good Hope.
Boers/Afrikaaners -Afrikaans-speaking descendants of Dutch, German, or Huguenot settlers in contemporary South Africa.
Broederbond - see Wikipedia.

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About us
Into Liberation: A podcast about transformative change, equity, and liberation is a production of VISIONS, Inc, a non-profit that offers effective tools that help individuals and organizations communicate and forge connections across differences that drive collective success.

Since 1984, we’ve offered research-based, time-tested approaches to cross-cultural learning that invite participants to engage in equity and inclusion work, starting at the personal and interpersonal levels and expanding to include changes toward institutional and cultural levels.

Whether it’s a book club, around the family dinner table, a school board meeting, or within your company, VISIONS offers actionable approaches that empower people to identify actions, explore their motivations, and effectively move through sometimes complex situations with respect and humanity for others and their differences.

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LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/visions-inc.org/

Music credit: Tim Hall @tv_hall
