Sometimes we’re unable to do the things we want to do because of pain, being out of shape, or simply lack of energy. With many chiropractors, physiotherapists, and other pain management providers, sifting through to find the right one for you should not be taken lightly. In this episode, Dr. Antonio Gurule uncovers a way to know if a chiropractor, physiotherapist, and healthcare provider truly cares about your interest and will get the results you’re looking for.


Episode Highlights

01:13 - Alarming musculoskeletal pain stats in the US

02:03 - The pain management crisis

06:10 - What’s your motivation for dealing with pain? What do you want to be able to do?

07:44 - My problem with functional improvements and assessments.

10:23 - The question your provider must ask

13:00 - One size doesn’t fit all when it comes to achieving your goals

14:50 - Trustworthy coaches, personal trainers, physiotherapists, chiropractors, are an investment, not an expense.



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