In this episode I have on my great friend Paul! Paul is a thinker. He has been around the block when it comes to education, certification, seminars and experience. What I love about him most is his open mind and ability to think critically in any situation. We always say in the coaching world, its not about how big of a bag of tools you have, it is knowing when and why to use each tool. Paul is exemplary of that!

In the episode we cover:

 Why we got hurt so often in our college athlete days and how it led us to the career and thought process we have now.Could we have done anything better??"If I knew back then what I know now…"Volume management and sneaky ways that you can overdue things: like practicing all week and then going to play a pick-up game with friends..Understanding athlete programming and the spectrum of general, to sports specific, to sports skill training. The Importance of the Aerobic system and its confusing media in our industry todayCommon injuries in basketball and how to train to mitigate themIt not about having all of the coaching tools as much as it is know when to use each appropriately…And more!