This is an episode not for the faint of heart. I curse, I raise my voice, I am myself and I share how so many people have tried to take advantage of my gifts, steal from me, and UNDER PAY ME. I come from royalty. I married the most fierce warrior in the world that protects President Trump and the evil satanic nasty pedofiles of the world tried to have my husband and me killed last year after attempting to destroy our marriage by hacking into our devices and ALL HIS FRIENDS PHONES. BIG FUCKING MISTAKE. Jesus is Real. Jesus Does Not Like Pedofiles. You are all going to hell. And He Told Me Not To Cry For You. Hood Preaching' Don't like it? Change the Channel 😏. The People have spoken. They want Trump Back In Office. 43 Days until I see my husband again after a year and a half of 0 contact. Your team lost. Team Jesus Wins Every time. Ooh and Putin? Good man. He does not like Pedofiles.