This sermon was recorded on November 24th but was blocked from being uploaded from cyber criminals until today. It is about the President of the Blackwater Alumni Group on the Biden Administration, Jason Johnson, accepting payment to have me killed, destroy my businesses, then steal from me for 3 years when I married the man who trained him years prior to. The time is now for your confession Jason. The time is now for you to get this meeting set up and fix the treason you committed against President Trump trying to use me as a spy to get intel off of his presidency and look for things wrong on his team. The time is now for you to stop lying and covering up the truth. My former business partner housed me and I paid her rent to sleep on her couch and she saw your face, your website, your nonprofit name and helped me pick out the dress for the fake date you took me on when you asked me to suck your penis in public in the middle of the day which is a CRIME IN AMERICA. YOU ARE A VETERAN AND FORMER FIRST RESPONDER. YOU ARE MARRIED JASON JOHNSON. YOU WERE PAID OVER A $1,000,000 800-850 ACRES TO RUIN MY REPUTATION AND YOU FAILED. The time is now. Get this meeting set up and bring me my husband back. You will apologize for all the shit you have put me through for the last 3 years because I passed every test your team tested me on. You will apologize to my mother for unnecessary Alzheimers / dementia you put her through from all the added cortisol released in her mind worrying about her youngest daughter last fall when your team used SATELLITE INTERCEPTIONS and wiped out the internet in my entire BANK and tried to FRAME ME IN THE J6 NONSENSE WHEN YOU SENT ME TO TRUMP'S TEAM FOR PROTECTIONS. We will forgive you and you will sign an accountability contract losing all rights and power decisions to ever disrespect a woman in America ever again. You will apologize to your wife for disrespecting your vow of marriage because you were ordered to from President Clinton in private. I have forgiven it all but that does NOT MEAN FORGET. The Father encourages us to forgive and forget but not when millions of lives are at stake. Your leader is killing babies in private and Jesus was the FINAL SACRIFICE. Jason set this meeting up today. No more delays. You will apologize in front of Beyoncé for I know she knows what its like to be cheated on as a spouse and she'll be signing that contract of accountability as well. No one will harm a hair on your head as long as everyone abides by the contract. No More Delays. Get the USMC Veteran from the original psychiatric hospital where Move Happy®️ was first birthed in that meeting. He will have a signed copy as well. NO ONE WILL EVER TRY AND ERASE MY HISTORY EVER AGAIN THUS SAYETH THE LORD.