Hello Move Happy®️ and Erin Nicole Ministries Supporters! This episode is a Holy Spirit Inspired Sermon Titled: The Competitive Edge of a Winner. If it adds value to you, it would mean the world to me and my family if you would reach out to your Governor, your Mayor, your Senator, your House of Representatives, your Duchess, your Prince and Princesses and any other leaders that you know and tell them that you would like to vote for me as Global Mental Health Ambassador for people with depression around the globe and Chief Spiritual Officer of the United States of America. Please let them know also that I have had enough time with my husband being gone over a year with zero contact because of the political wars going on in my Nation and he asked to retire from his Security position but they have enslaved him. I desire to see him October 17th at the meeting. Thank you! PS: Don't forget to tell someone you love them today