This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Shaping The Child By Erin Nicole. I curse, I am my unapologetic self. I talk about child abuse, the roles of adults and older children in helping to protect the children, infants, toddlers of the world. If you are in a leadership position because the Lord assigned it to you or you got pushed into it because of society or your family, you are a role model. Whether you like it or not, you are shaping the children of the world. Step up or step off the platform and allow for better leaders that DO NOT HARM CHILDREN to replace you. There are approximately 7.6 billion people in the world give or take statistics and the illegal birthing centers of the Illuminati. No good humans like or prefer harming of children. No good humans like or are involved in child sex trafficking. Its time for the top 1% to move out of the way, repent or get slaughtered by the Spiritual Warriors that protect families all over the world. Its time for Trump to get back in office in America 🇺🇸. 49% of the children that are abducted are taken from America according to the revelations from the Holy Spirit. Don't like it? Do something about it. If I am censored, you are involved. If this episode is blocked by anyone, my husband and his buddies can trace it back to the source. Checkmate bitch. You fucked with the wrong veteran spouse trying to have me killed for protecting children and sharing my truth of being a SURVIVOR OF SEXUAL ABUSE (As a Child) RAPE (In College) AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TORTURE THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY RECEIVED PAYMENT TO ACT OUT FOR 3 YEARS. Accept Defeat. Your Lies Really Reek. 🤮 🦨. Drain the swamp time. There are plenty of good Americans that I haven't heard of because of the evil rich 🤑 people blocking me from receiving any help when I have cried out for help for 3 years because it was all a FUCKING GAME TO THE MEN THAT RUN AMERICA. Its time for a real woman to take the lead after Trump gets in office. A real woman that will protect the children. No More Slavery. Period.