Here is a special episode about Rainbow's True Design from Above. Nothing but love for all and truth. Take what you love and leave what you don't and hopefully you leave with some tools in your toolbox to guard your mind against the powers of the enemy and can help a lending hand to someone else that is struggling. If it adds value to you and you would like to support us, we cannot receive any donations to Erin Nicole Ministries nor can you purchase from our Move Happy®️ website until October 17th when the contract is up that security teams signed to help keep me alive. If you would like to support us, please reach out to all the top level leaders in your Nation and ask them to vote for me as the Global Mental Health Ambassador and United States Chief Spiritual Officer and ask them to help bring my husband home. He is a decorated war hero veteran and I haven't been able to communicate with him at all since Easter Sunday of 2022 (over a year 🤮). I'm believing for October's meeting and he'll be in the room and we'll help turn around this Nation for the positive and spread more love to those who most need it. Don't forget to tell someone you love them today