This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Peacemakers By Erin Nicole. Parents please preview as there are adult topics around violence, sexual violence, self harm, and prevention of self harm. We are called to be peacemakers. However, if enough evil poisonous spirits are allowed into a land for too long, the Lord gets angry and fights battles for His Children. He is tired of the evil being done in secret because He sees all. He is tired of the peacemakers of the world being persecuted for spreading love ❤️ around the world. He desires for all to come to know Him through free will. Many have blocked people from knowing Him on purpose and have harmed the children of the world in private for 1600 years and gotten away with it for that long. He is going to obliterate all those evil people and he is doing it through peacemakers, silent protests, worship music, and spiritual warfare. Just because a person chooses to be a peacemaker does not make them weak. In fact, when we are weak, He is strong. Philippians 4:13: I can do all things, through Him who gives us strength. Who is Him? Jesus Christ. He fights our battles for us through love ❤️. Listen, learn, and pass it along 👊