This is a special Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Living Contently. It is all about being happy with what you have and not coveting other peoples things or being jealous of other peoples things, intellectual properties, etc. Thou shalt not covet is one of the 10 commandments that I follow and this is a special way to inform you using real life experiences. At this time we cannot accept any donations and you cannot purchase anything from our businesses until October's meeting with all the Presidents and First Wives of America where we'll be signing a contract announcing me as the first ever Global Mental Health Ambassador and first ever Chief Spiritual Officer and reuniting me with my husband, a decorated war hero veteran. While we wait for that meeting, if you desire to help us for this service my family has been giving to the world, it would mean the world to me if you would share this episode on your social media and tag Move Happy®️ on all major social media platforms. Please write a few sentences on what you like about Mr and Mrs President Trump so I can learn more about our future President of 2024. I am voting for him and I encourage you to vote for whomever you so choose. He chose to keep me alive in 2020 with his resources that he has from his business connections and business geniuses from his decades of service to America and the World. He could have said no in 2020 but he chose to keep me alive. So I would like to learn more about what you like about him in business, faith, family, spiritual, entertainment, whatever. If you know him personally or his wife, please share this episode and write a few sentences about what you most like about he and the Mrs. so I can learn more about this President that I am going to be MEETING IN PERSON IN OCTOBER 💃💃💃💃💃. I can't believe I get to meet him and ALL PRESIDENTS OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA❤️🇺🇸. I need to be truly informed on him as I'll be praying for he and his wife and counseling them while they are in office for the next 4 years and I imagine for the rest of their lives since this will be a lifetime assignment for me #GRATEFUL 😊 Enjoy! PS: Don't forget to tell someone you love them today xoxo