This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: IDGAF By Erin Nicole. There are curse words in it. If you don't like curse words then don't listen. The Lord has had enough of the rich stealing from the poor and harming children and human beings. War is coming very soon. Choose love and help out your local first responders and veterans πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ β™₯️. If it adds value to you at all, donate children's bicycles to your local precinct for the first responders' kiddos. Pray as a family unit for how many bikes to purchase then be obedient. These kids don't get to choose their parents or their careers and need activities to be able to do to help build their resiliency (mental toughness). 19 days left for a BIG Turnaround. PS: Don't forget to tell someone you love them today