This is a special Holy Spirit inspired sermon all about Grandmas and my own grandma's story as it would be her birthday today ♥️. We hope it adds value to you and helps to remind you to focus on your family and on loving others and spending time with the grandmas and grandpas of our communities even if they aren't necessarily blood related. Enjoy! If we add value to ya on this episode, we're doing a special project song for the people of Maui and we're looking for people to help with it. We're donating 100% of the royalties for the project to the people of Maui and have a few needs. Listen at the end for this part to see if it would be a good fit to help us help American Hawaiian citizens get real help in emergency right now through our gifts how He designed me and designed many musicians in the world. 🗺 PS: Don't forget to tell someone you love them today