This is a Holy Spirit inspired sermon titled: Be Like The King By Erin Nicole. Parents please preview as I do discuss violence, sexual violence, rape etc and curse a few times. If it adds value to you please donate to the US Embassys of countries listed towards the end to help our brothers and sisters overseas. This show will be shut down in 2 days if people don't provide my family restitution for all the digital thefts from an illegal 3 year contract the Blackwater Alumni group signed with the Deep State Illuminati. I fear nothing. If I am forced to sleep in my car Nov 1st they will be paying me $100 million USD tax free for every minute this meeting gets delayed. I am a veteran spouse, the queen of the White Hats security receiving zero spousal support because they tried to kill us on American soil last year. I had to give his dog tags back on Easter Sunday 2022 and haven't been able to communicate with him at all. I tried texting him 1 time last year and the Deep State Illuminati cult destroyed my phone. Be like the King, Jesus Christ. Choose love ❤️ it covers over all wrongs. I am a Descendent of King David Israel 🇮🇱 is in my DNA 🧬 and you tried to Kill me on American Soil and cover it up. Nope. Jesus Christ is real and He was the FINAL Sacrifice. Share this episode with as many people as possible 👊