This is an addendum to Adversity episode correcting something I reviewed was inaccurate. We always bring you the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But The Truth 😉. Some tech professional are able to hack in and change the language you use and we inspect what we release to make sure it is accurate for you. Sometimes I am also human and make mistakes. Whatever was the case, we bring you accurate, relevant, up to date best of the best information to help empower you from within to find your own happiness. No matter what your background is, gender, sexual orientation, Nationality, faith, or creed. Everyone deserves to live an outstanding life full of JOY! If you are with us in this movement, please reach out to your top level leaders in the Nation you are blessed to be born in and let them know you would like Erin Nicole to win the Global Mental Health Ambassadorship and ask them to help bring my husband back home. PS: Don't forget to tell someone you love them today