This week on Mouth Wide Shut we're super duper proud to introduce Paige and Coral, our favourite sisters who are doing all they can to help prevent suicide!

"My mind breathes when i'm asleep, it doesn't need my brain to do anything with it." 

Paige and Coral founded @itsokay.needtotalk an online mental health service based on Instagram, that aims to bridge the gap between managing your demons alone and going to therapy/seeing a doctor. The girls open up about their personal heartbreak with suicide, which lead them to set up this platform, as well as dealing with PTSD, OCD, and depression. 

With so much personal experience around mental health, Paige and Coral offer some invaluable tips on managing panic attacks, supporting people struggling with suicide, as well as educating us on the important of "social media health", and how you can curate your Instagram feed in a way that makes you feel good! 

These girls are utterly incredible and I hope you gain a huge amount of knowledge and positivity from this episode!