What a delight to share this episode with my friend and philanthropy superstar Jodi Delaney.

We discuss her work in the nonprofit world and how you can leverage purpose in life to manage life transitions and come out the best version of yourself, again and again.


We summarize our discussion with 8 powerful mantras that will help you feel renewed energy and get on the path to being a powerful agent of change.

Mantra #1: The nonprofit world is a place for your heart.
See Jodi’s heart place, the Television Academy Foundation. (LINK)

See my heart place, Nurture (LINK)

Mantra #2:  We are all capable of being agents of change.


Mantra #3:  We have an opportunity to make a choice in finding our purpose.
Some steps to do so include finding space, grounding, moving the body, practicing radical self-care and getting involved in a purpose-aware community.

Jodi mentions her involvement with Modern Elders Academy (LINK).

Mantra #4: The “pleasure” of finding purpose in life is renewed, invigorated energy, and a sense of having an important place in the world.

Mantra #5: The “pain” of not finding purpose is staying “asleep”, unaware of the lessons to be learned and the possibility of not having a life legacy that makes your heart sing.

Mantra #6: Learn through the “six S’s of grief”: silence, swirl, shame, survival, surrender, and shower.

Mantra #7: (If you are a woman or a man with a woman), Beware of the “seven dwarfs of menopause”: itchy, bitchy, sweaty, bloaty, sleepy, forgetful, pyscho.

Mantra #8: You don’t have to be in the “messy-middle” alone. Jodi loves to support others in the world of philanthropy, environmental conservation, and economic development.

More about Jodi

Jodi Delaney is a longtime executive in the worlds of philanthropy, entertainment, environmental conservation, and economic development. Currently the Executive Director of the Television Academy Foundation in Los Angeles, her career has spanned five states over 25 years, serving dozens of clients including the Trust for Public Land, Youth Policy Institute, the New Mexico Departments of Economic Development and Cultural Affairs, ABC News, HBO, the Discovery Channel and many others. Starting her career as a television producer and writer in New York City, she transitioned to fundraising and philanthropy across sectors, raising funds for the arts, workforce development, and environmental issues in addition to anti-poverty and diversity initiatives. She is also the Founder of Yatra Yoga International, which facilitated yoga retreats worldwide from 2006-2009, and from that experience created VetsYoga, a specialized yoga practice for military veterans with PTSD. VetsYoga served thousands of veterans via clients including the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, the Wounded Warrior Project and the Give Back Yoga Foundation. Jodi is also a certified meditation teacher, reiki level 1, travel addict, single mom and bonus grandmother to four adorable children.


What is fun for Jodi Delaney?

Dancing on the beach Hiking in the mountains Playing with children Connecting with high-frequency women at astonishing spas


Twitter: @jdelaney25

Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jodi-delaney-b331a49/

Headshot photo is by Stacey Lievens.