As a certified Happiness Ambassador through Marci Shimoff’s Happy for No Reason program, I was thrilled to spend an episode exploring the latest in the science of positive psychology and the happiness movement.

My guest today is Becky Morrison. Becky is a mom, wife, and lawyer turned Happiness Coach. Her mission is to spread joy. She believes most people can live happier, easier lives if they get clear on what matters most to them and then develop a plan to do more of that and less of the rest.


We talk about authenticity and her special happiness as we uncover ten mantras for a life filled with joy:

Mantra #1: Happiness is not a destination; it is something that you can enjoy along the way.

Mantra #2: The definition of the “payoff” for your efforts helps to define your own happiness journey and when you celebrate (hopefully often!).

Mantra #3: Shed the “shoulds”.
(Mindfulness and slowing down helps this process; also identify who owns the “shoulds” and recognize that you can shed them in the same way that you can take off a jacket, or lighten an unnecessary burden).

Mantra #4: We determine our own priorities.
(Don't judge the decisions of others about their own priorities).

Mantra #5: Be honest and claim (speak publicly about) your priorities.

Mantra #6: Align your priorities and your happiness recipe with your current season of life.

Mantra #7: Approach your happiness recipe like a fun puzzle.
(Not with the energy of running up against a wall).

Mantra #8: Honor the wisdom of the body.

Mantra #9: Encourage kids to reconnect with who they are.
(When they encounter a difficult issue, ask two questions:
1) What can they control? And,
2) What do they want?)

Mantra #10: Know your strengths, and apply them to your happiness recipe.

About Rebecca Morrison

Becky Morrison is a mom, wife, and lawyer turned Happiness Coach. Her mission is to spread joy. She believes most people can live happier, easier lives if they get clear on what matters most to them and then develop a plan to do more of that and less of the rest. If she can help enable people to find clarity and happiness then everyone wins.


People and processes are at the heart of the work that she has done for the last 20+ years in corporations, law firms – as both a lawyer and administrator – and small businesses. Now she’s using that experience coupled with her own journey to help people supercharge their success and happiness by: finding clarity; taking the next steps in their career; overcoming overwhelm; going from idea to action; and, stepping into their authentic leadership presence.


Becky brings together all her learnings in her recently published book ‘The Happiness Recipe: A Powerful Guide to Living What Matters’.



What’s fun for Rebecca:

Becky also comes from a basketball family – her husband is a basketball coach and both her kids play as well.

