This episode was recorded from “mountain” to “mountain” with Finnian in Aspen, CO, and Kathryn in her hometown of Sun Valley, ID.

We bring you nine mantras to create more intentionality into your life, including more intentional relationships, leadership, and love.

Finnian reminds us that the time for Intentionality is NOW; the world is changing at a rapid pace and our roles as humans are also shifting. The new generations will be charged with the task of creating sustainable peace and wellbeing on our planet.

Here are the nine mantras for a more intentional life:

Mantra #1: Don’t put your own pressure/projection on to the younger generation (let them make their own choices)

Mantra #2: Be careful of your language, even if it is positive (as it can create labels and even “conditional love”)

Mantra #3: Life is not linear, and there is no rush!

Mantra #4: Take out your emotional “garbage” on an ongoing basis (don’t suppress emotions)

Mantra #5: Use “tools” to release and process emotions: 1) shaking/movement, 2) breathwork, 3) meditation, 4) emotional clearing, 5) grounding, and 6) serotonin-building sunlight.

Mantra #6: Think of spirituality purely as a way to know yourself better. Spirituality is also a means to experience the wonders of life.

Mantra #7: Be open, not rigid (see tools in Mantra #5)

Mantra #8: Use curiosity to connect across the generational gaps

Mantra #9: Choose love over fear.
This link discusses the “map of consciousness” and tells the story of the “pond skim”:

More about Finnian Kelly
Finnian Kelly is a world-renowned keynote speaker on Intentionality, a retreat facilitator, and a 1:1 Executive Coach. He has been dubbed the ‘Business Mystic’ and is the creator of, a unique framework Finnian uses to guide people to be purposeful and aligned in their beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors so they can feel more love in their lives.

As an entrepreneur, Finnian built and exited two multi-million dollar companies in the financial industry. He’s the Creator and Chief Visionary Officer of and also a retreat facilitator providing entrepreneurs with unique, mind-shifting experiences so they can awaken and connect deeply with their business and their true self.

As an Undercover Angel in the popular National Geographic documentary series, he was dropped into an underprivileged community to discover their core issues, build trust and come up with a project that would support their needs. He funded the entire program himself and worked with community leaders to form a family education center in Fakulteta, Bulgaria.


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