In this episode, we continue our series on genetics/epigenetics and optimization of the human system.

This series includes interviews with Aperion founders Dr. Dan Stickler and Dr. Mickra Hamilton, genetics panel creator David Krantz, Aperion medical provider and peptide expert Ryan Lester, and neurotransmitter panel creator Andrea Lahti (today’s interview).

As we did in the David Krantz interview (specific to endocannabinoids), we dive into an actual analysis of genetic data (mine, about my brain!) and how it informs us about actions to optimize the human system.

We have six mantras from the show.

Mantra #1: Neurotransmitters are like an orchestra creating a symphony in the brain.

Mantra #2: The obstacles to having one’s individual genes analyzed (cost, access) are getting lower and lower every day.

Mantra #3: There is no such thing as a “depression gene” (our brains and emotions are much more complex than that).

Mantra #4: A genetics analysis is not scary- it can in fact be validating.

Mantra #5: An epigenetics coach incorporates the client’s goals as the basis for a genetics read with epigenetics interventions.

Mantra #6: The Neurotransmitter panel from Aperion and NeuroEpiGenetix/ Andrea Lahti includes 20 biochemical signals that helps an individual better understand their brain:
Prodynorphin (Dynorphin)
Neuropeptide S
Neuropeptide Y
Nitric Oxide.

Andrea has spent years developing this panel and has focused recently on the complexity and yet simplicity of serotonin. Researchers have known for decades that sunlight affects serotonin, as it's the oldest neurotransmitter in living organisms. Yet, how many psychiatrists prescribe sunlight? From Andrea:

“Being in the mental health field, I can tell you I haven't heard of any of them prescribing sunlight or blue light exposure, but it really does help people.”

More about Andrea Lahti
Andrea Lahti is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) and Epigenetic Coach. She studied genetics and ethics as an undergrad at the University of South Carolina, then pursued her Masters in Social Work at the University of North Carolina, to gain skills in being an informative and protective liaison between cutting-edge technology and people’s everyday lives.
She has years of experience as a medical social worker to help people balance emotional, mental and physical aspects of their health. Recently, she completed a state-of-the-art genetic panel for neurotransmitter insight - the NeuroEpiGenetix panel - to help guide clients in balancing everything from mental and emotional to physical health.
She uses a systems approach to provide a mix of state-of-the-art technology, education, products and services to help people understand the way their bodies and minds function so they can make changes that will help them feel their best.

What’s fun for Andrea: Pushing yourself beyond what you think are your limits and being successful (and safe)!

For me, that includes running, driving motorcycles, mountain biking, skiing, and hang gliding.

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