In honor of Mother’s Quest turning 5, all season we’ve been sharing Throwback Thursday episodes from the archives. I’ve been excitedly anticipating resharing this episode with you with actress, author of the memoir From Scratch, and now co-creator and executive producer of the Netflix series by the same name, Tembi Locke.

Since the limited series release just a few days ago, From Scratch has already climbed to the Top Ten in 74 countries and has captured the hearts of so many. Throughout my day today, I’ve been alternating between watching the show and relistening to my episode with Tembi, also beautifully dedicated by her sister and show co-creator Attica Locke.

The combination of the two has rekindled an appreciation in me for honoring our ancestors, for the power of answering the call of our heroes journey, and of looking for light in the darkness to guide us through challenging times.

Tembi says at the beginning of our conversation that she hoped it would be evergreen and we could find new meaning if we returned to it in a different time. That intention came true. This episode is a gift that feels just right for today. Like it did for me, I hope it provides the wisdom, inspiration and light you seek right now. 

More About the Netflix Series ‘From Scratch’

Watch From Scratch on Netflix
NY Times Article: In ‘From Scratch,’ the Locke Sisters Tell a Story of Love, Loss and Food

Mother’s Quest Inspiration Guide: Volume 1 Engage

Tembi’s episode is just one of many featured in the Mother’s Quest Inspiration Guide, part personal memoir, part reflective journal, drawing on over 70+ interviews on the Mother’s Quest Podcast. Learn more about the Guide and order your copy here.

You can find the full show notes from the original episode here: Ep 76: Light For These Pandemic Times: Space, Grace & Love Planted Across Generations with Tembi Locke

Much appreciation,

Julie Neale