Welcome to this special bonus episode of The Mother’s Quest Podcast, an interview I had on my friend Anne Ferguson’s podcast – MamaFuel.

In this conversation, Anne turns the tables on me, as she asks how the epic guideposts showed up in my life. I’m delighted to share this episode with you and use this as an opportunity to share some announcements and invitations for getting involved with Mother’s Quest in the new year. 
I hope you enjoy this conversation I had on Anne’s Podcast.  I’m excited to be back in a few short weeks with the start of a new incredible season of conversations! Until then, seize the day, love your people, and honor your gifts.

Much appreciation, 

P.S. Be sure to check out the announcements below, including the news that TODAY is the last day to contribute to the GoFundMe campaign to support Trayvon Martin’s mother Sybrina Fulton’s Circle of Mothers. Hope you’ll join us!

Show Notes from MamaFuel the Podcast

From Anne Ferguson:

OOOOhhh am I excited to share THIS ONE! My guest this week is Julie Neale, founder of the amazing Mother’s Quest podcast, coach and mama of two exceptional and amazing boys. She’s a sparkling soul whose podcast gave me the courage to start hosting these MamaFuel conversations.

Julie and I cover a lot of ground, from raising differently-wired kids to discovering your strengths and the support you have in community. I turn the tables on Julie and ask her to walk us through the guideposts that she follows in her own life and asks all of her guests to talk about – I really valued the insight into how Julie is living her E.P.I.C. life, sparked to the max with joy and delight at leading other mothers in discovering their version of epic living.  

Julie spoke movingly about her interview with Sybrina Fulton, whose son Trayvon died as a result of racial profiling and gun violence. Julie and her community are supporting Sybrina’s incredibly important initiative “Circle of Mothers” which allows mothers who have lost their children to gun violence to gather and heal in community.

If you’d like to help send some of these grieving mothers to Sybrina’s retreat, click this link: www.mothersquest.com/circleofmothers. Every contribution helps. Julie’s hoping that her community will be able to raise $15,000 and they’re two-thirds of the way there. I’d love our community to help her get to her goal.

Please click on the following link to hear Julie’s conversation with Sybrina Fulton and to find out more about their fundraising activities: http://mothersquest.com/ep55-sybrinafulton/

This is where you can listen to Julie’s episode with her son Ryan: http://mothersquest.com/ep-18-yolo-you-only-live-once-and-other-milestone-reflections-with-ryan-neale/

Julie’s conversation with Kristina Kuzmić is here: http://mothersquest.com/ep-11-flawed-with-truth-bomb-mom-kristina-kuzmic/

Listen to her conversation with Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin is here: http://mothersquest.com/ep-24-elizabeth-cronise-mclaughlin/

And to her chat with Debbie Reber of TILT Parenting here: http://mothersquest.com/ep26-debbie-reber/

In this episode we also mentioned Jonathan Fields and his Good Life Project quite a few times. Jonathan was our common link and his Camp Good Life Project is where Julie and I met in real life.

Jonathan is the creator of so much goodness that I can’t encourage you enough to go to his page and drink it all in. Go: you’ll be so glad you did.

Here’s where you can learn about Jonathan’s work and discover his incredible (and my all-time favourite) podcast: https://www.goodlifeproject.com and here’s where you can take your own Sparketype test: https://www.goodlifeproject.com/sparketest/ and start thinking and having conversations about what really sparks you.

Announcements: Celebrate Int’l Women’s Day with a Contribution for Sybrina Fulton & her Circle of Mothers GoFundMe Closes TODAY!!!

Today, on International Women’s Day, join us in contributing to the GoFundMe campaign to support an amazing woman, Trayvon Martin’s mother Sybrina MsCandy Fulton, and her Circle of Mothers healing retreat. 

Already, it’s been amazing to see so many of you listen to the episode with Sybrina, contribute to the campaign, and invite others to do so too.

With your support, we have raised over $10,000 of our $15,000 goal.

I want to close the campaign out so that we can get the funds dispersed to the Trayvon Martin Foundation in time to help 10 mothers attend the healing retreat, for mothers who have lost a child to gun violence, this May.

I hope you’ll listen if you haven’t and then take a look at the campaign and contribute in an amount meaningful to you. You can also help us spread the word. It would mean so much to mothers who are grieving if we can hit the goal and help them get to the event.

Your donation is tax-deductible. Contribute here  


Listen to the episode here 

This intimate conversation with Sybrina Fulton, over a year in the making, was a unique opportunity to delve into her own journey, how the E.P.I.C. guideposts show up in her life and in her activism, and to hear her powerful call to action to invest in mothers, by reaching out to mothers grieving in our own communities and by contributing to her “Circle of Mothers,” a labor of love that came to her in her dreams. Listen here – http://mothersquest.com/ep55-sybrinafulton/

Spark Your E.P.I.C. Year Anyone else not have your year start the way you hoped? 

A few weeks ago, I declared February the new January and facilitated a Mother’s Quest Workshop/Virtual Milestone Hike experience to help us all start again.

Using photos from my favorite local hike, I took a small group on a journey to:

Reflect on our last chapter (as we ascend) 
Decide what we want to release (using an image of a big bad bonfire!) and what we want to carry forward
Then, set intentions along the E.P.I.C. guideposts for our new chapter. 

There’s a special planning sheet we created to guide you and help you document the whole process. 

Truthfully, we can start fresh any time we choose.

If you decide you want to reset and begin again, today, this afternoon or this weekend, using this experience and worksheet to support you, reply to this email and I”ll get it to you.

Mother’s Quest Circle


If you’re on a quest to live an E.P.I.C. life, on the threshold of a new chapter, but you’ve been feeling challenged by the path ahead, and want to be in community on your journey, the Virtual Mother’s Quest Circle may be the source of connection you’re looking for.

The Mother’s Quest Circle provides inspiration, coaching and community for an intimate group of no more than 8 women who are ready to say “yes” to:

Reflect together, in a community of like-minded mothers, on what matters most
To consciously live their version (not someone else’s) of an E.P.I.C. life
To take bold action toward one of the E.P.I.C. life guideposts before the end of the sessions
To hold space for sharing, coaching, and championing one another 

If you’re looking to create big shifts in your life or impact in 2019, the Circle is a great way to make an investment in yourself and what matters most to you. Apply here.

Watch out for Season Four

Season Four is right around the corner! Until then, I invite you to subscribe if you haven’t already to catch up on any episodes you’ve missed. And would love to see you in the private Mothers’ Quest Facebook Group where we will continue to build community and connection. Visitwww.mothersquest.com/community to join.


A big THANK YOU to our “patrons” for helping to bring these conversations to myself and other mothers through financial and/or in-kind support:

Democracy Clothing
Michael Skolnik
Helgi Maki
Kari Azuma
Tamara Sobomehin
Katie Krimitsos
Carrie Caulfield Arick
Rachel Rosen
Chandra Brooks
Jen Simon
Monisha Vasa
Celia Ward-Wallace
Vanessa Couto
Desiree Adaway
Rachel Steinman
Katie Hanus
Denise Barreto 
Sage B. Hobbs 
Samantha Nolan-Smith
Jody Smith
Emily Cretella
Collette Flanagan
Titilayo Tinubu Ali 
Carly Magnus Hurt
Lizzy Russinko 
Suzanne Brown
Mara Berns Langer
Mallory Schlabach 
Katharine Earhart
Jessica Kupferman
Jen Jenkins Dohner
Genese Harris
Tonya Rineer
Liane Louie-Badua
Cristin Downs 
Erin Kendall 
Niko Osoteo 
Erik Newton 
Claire Fry
Divya Silbermann
Rachel Winter
Caren and Debbie Lieberman
Cameron Miranda
Fran and David Lieberman
Debbie and Alan Goore
The Sustainable Living Podcast

Support the Podcast

If you’d like to make a contribution to Mother’s Quest to support Season Three of the Podcast and/or help provide coaching scholarships for mothers, follow this link to make a contribution.

If you would like to “dedicate” an upcoming episode to a special mother in your life, email me at [email protected]


Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mothersquest/