The last few weeks where I live, in California, have been a challenging time.  Wildfires raged in Southern and Northern California, taking lives and destroying so much (including my beloved childhood summer camp, Hess Kramer) and causing us to stay indoors or wear masks due to the unhealthy air quality.

Through it all, I found myself coming back to the lessons on choosing gratitude in this “Revisited” episode with Nancy Netherland and the dedication from my friend Lizzy Russinko. Just over a year ago, challenged by another wildfire in Sonoma County, Lizzy found reprieve in the connection and hospitality of a neighbor and made a commitment of her own to reach out.

If you, like me, are getting ready to gather with family or friends, I encourage you to find some time to listen to this episode with Nancy, to think about where you can find magic and meaning during even the most difficult times, and to join Lizzy in her commitment to pay forward kindness in some way to those who are suffering right now.

In Northern California, much needed rains have come and the air has been clearing. I’m grateful for many things…. to breath a little easier, for my family, for women like Nancy Netherland and Lizzy Russinko who inspire me with their own E.P.I.C. life stories, and for the opportunity to reflect on the meaning in my own life, with members of the Mother’s Quest community like you.

Feeling thankful for so much and sending wishes for you to “choose gratitude” today too.


In This Episode You’ll Hear About: Lizzy’s story of connection and commitment amid the wildfires last year Resiliency and mindfulness during traumatic events The importance of creating magic in our lives “Gratituding” as a verb and how to “choose gratitude” Nancy’s favorite book “Man’s Search for Meaning” Advocating for your children’s health The importance of community, especially as a caretaker Building deep relationships with people of differing viewpoints Resources Mentioned: Gratitool Choosing Gratitude Hepatitis C information Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl Commonweal – where Nancy learned her framework for self-care Clinical Trials  a site that is open to the public to find life saving clinical trials UCSF Benioff Children’s Hospital These Inspirational Notecards that Lizzy and her family will be passing around to her community This Episode’s Challenge “Revisited”

Building on Nancy Netherland’s story, this challenge came last year from Lizzy Russinko who committed to leave note cards of encouragement and hope around town for her neighbors to find and give, as their community in Sonoma County coped with the wildfires last year. This was their little way of injecting magic and meaning into a time of significant adversity and change. Lizzy invites us to do something special to bring comfort in our neck of the woods.

Announcements: Mother’s Quest Circle

If you’re on a quest to live an E.P.I.C. life, but you’ve been feeling challenged, isolated, or unsure of the path ahead, the Mother’s Quest Circle may be the source of connection you’re looking for.

The Mother’s Quest Circle provides inspiration, coaching and community for an intimate group of no more than 6 women who are ready to say “yes” to:

Reflect together, in a community of like-minded mothers, on what matters most
To consciously live their version (not someone else’s) of an E.P.I.C. life
To take bold action toward one of the E.P.I.C. life guideposts before the end of the sessions
To hold space for sharing, coaching, and championing one another so we are “in community” on our journey

Add your name to the wait list to be the first to find out when our Virtual Circle begins in 2019.

Spark Your E.P.I.C. Life

Join me for “Spark Your E.P.I.C. Life,” a four session series of one-on-one coaching sessions based on the signature process I’ve been using in the Mother’s Quest Circle experience.

I have space for three clients to experience an intensive, one-one-one, four-session coaching process. Could this be you?

*Do you feel like you’re on the threshold of a powerful shift in your life?

*Are you ready to spark new perspectives, new ways of being, and some E.P.I.C. action of your own?

*Have you wanted to participate in the Mother’s Quest Circle but the timing wasn’t right or you prefer to work one-on-one?

Interested? I’d love to schedule a time to check-in about what’s happening in your life and how this could support you.

Sign up for a discovery session at this link or message me some times that could work for you if you don’t see something that fits your schedule.

Support the Podcast

If you’d like to make a contribution to Mother’s Quest to support Season Three of the Podcast and/or help provide coaching scholarships for mothers, follow this link to make a contribution.

If you would like to “dedicate” an upcoming episode to a special mother in your life, email me at [email protected]

Mother’s Quest is a podcast for moms who are ready to live a truly E.P.I.C. life.

Join in for intimate conversations with a diverse group of inspiring mothers as they share how they are living an E.P.I.C. life, Engaging mindfully with their children (E), Passionately and Purposefully making a difference beyond their family (P), Investing in themselves (I), and Connecting to a strong support network (C).

Join our community of mothers to light the way and sustain you on your quest at