In the sermon "REFUEL," Pastor Erik Lindeen draws attention to the urgent need for spiritual refueling - the ongoing replenishment of our spiritual well-being.

Drawing on his personal experiences, Erik likens the Christian journey to a car that must frequently be refilled with gas. He points out our tendency to appear spiritually fulfilled when, in fact, we're running on empty.

To experience the abundantly fulfilling relationship with God as described in Ephesians 3:17-19, Erik argues that it is crucial to remain linked to our heavenly Father sincerely and authentically, not just employing pretenses of spiritual wellness.

Pastor Lindeen goes on to outline four key strategies for spiritual refueling based on biblical teachings. First, he emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit, the same Spirit that empowered Jesus, as a powerful catalyst for fulfilling God's will in our lives. Secondly, he underscores the significance of regular communal worship, drawing from Jesus's life in Luke 4:16-19. Thirdly, Lindeen articulates the vitality of service to others as an act of spiritual replenishment, with specific reference to Luke 4:38-40 when Jesus heals and tends to the needs of people throughout the day. Lastly, Lindeen encourages solitude and moments of stillness for restful spiritual connection with God, inspired by Jesus's retreat in Luke 4:42.

In his conclusion, Erik offers a sobering reminder of the spiritual warfare around us, emphasizing the enemy's intentions to keep us empty and ineffective. Thus, he implores his listeners to commit to spiritual refueling. This sermon serves as a vivid call to action to truly be spiritually fulfilled.