In this sermon by Pastor Erik Lindeen, he highlights the importance of unity in faith against all divisions manifested by politics, underscoring this being an election year. He focuses his message on the biblical passage found in Luke 5 about the healing miracles of Jesus, urging his congregation to choose friends wisely who support their faith and spiritual journey.

Pastor Erik also emphasizes the critical role of forgiveness for our sins, which he describes as our most significant need, and encourages letting go of all hindrances and fully trusting Jesus who knows our needs better than ourselves.

In addition, he passionately discusses the task of sharing Jesus with others, with a keen desire to lead more people to Jesus. He urges the congregation to extend invitations for others to attend the Easter service, and to pray actively, interceding for the wellbeing and salvation of their neighbors.

In the concluding part of the sermon, he calls on the attendees to share their personal experiences of Jesus and the church. He further encourages the congregation to keep exploring innovative ways to aid people in finding hope and healing through Jesus. The sermon finishes with a powerful call to action as congregation members are encouraged to sing together symbolizing unity, and emphasizing the importance of building life upon God's love.

The core message of this sermon is thus the importance of unity, trusting God, forgiveness, friendship, and active evangelism. The congregation is urged to be a supportive community that encourages prayer and be bold in sharing their faith.