In Sunday's sermon, Pastor Erik Lindeen draws from personal stories to encourage cultivating a childlike faith in Jesus. He reflects on Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem on a donkey during Palm Sunday, noting how Jesus's mission was not only to free the Jewish people but to liberate all humanity from the curse of sin.

He reminds us that Jesus is more attractive than religion. Erik advises his listeners not to strive for immediate understanding but to wrestle with questions, doubts, and gradually seek wisdom. It's ok to not understand right away. He compares this process to the disciples' experience, as they, too, did not comprehend Jesus's teachings instantly.

Erik encourages us to embrace wonder and playfulness as avenues of worship, particularly during the Easter season, suggesting that embracing awe can enrich one's relationship with God.

This sermon aims to reorient focus towards Jesus over empty religious rituals, advocating instead for true connection, obedience, and awe-filled worship.