In a powerful sermon, Pastor Erik Lindeen tackles the complex issue of temptation and how to constructively resist it.

Focusing on the significance of Jesus' ultimate sacrifice during Easter, he uses the narrative of Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness found in Luke 4 as a guide. He breaks down the three main temptations Jesus faced – catering to instant gratification, resorting to quick fixes, and depending on self rather than on God. Pastor Erik beautifully links these challenges with those confronting contemporary society.

In countering temptation, Pastor Erik emphasizes the need to say no to distractions, make critical commitments, assume responsibility for actions, and consciously regulate technology and social media use.

Drawing strength from one's identity as a child of God holds immense importance in resisting temptation, he states. He encourages the congregation to know and memorize Scripture, regularly seek divine guidance, and cultivate a personal relationship with God. Moreover, he brilliantly uses events from the book of Deuteronomy, comparing Jesus' temptations to those of the Israelites in the wilderness.

The sermon ends with reminders that temptation is universal, urging the congregation to recognize their identity in Christ, be filled with the Holy Spirit and follow Jesus' example. He advocates active spiritual disciplines like Bible study and soliciting God's guidance as potent tools in overcoming temptation and aligning oneself with God’s will.