Vancouver City Council has put off voting on the controversial 2020 budget- that has a 9.3 per cent hike in both taxes and fees.

In a motion passed this week, council will wait until they hear from both the finance committee and staff recommendations.

City Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung says staff also directed to come back with ways the city can save money - so the tax hike won't be as high.


Guest: Dan Fumano

Vancouver Sun city hall columnist

Vancouver City Council has put off voting on the controversial 2020 budget- that has a 9.3 per cent hike in both taxes and fees.

In a motion passed this week, council will wait until they hear from both the finance committee and staff recommendations.

City Councillor Sarah Kirby-Yung says staff also directed to come back with ways the city can save money - so the tax hike won't be as high.


Guest: Dan Fumano

Vancouver Sun city hall columnist