🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

It’s @MikeSmythNews’s 🔥 question of the day:

Ridehailing supporters have called for a single metro Vancouver business license to operate. Do you support this idea? 

Yes, efficient! 

No, one licence per city.



Andrew Scheer has resigned as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

Andrew Scheer is resigning as Conservative Party leader. He told the House of Commons this is the best decision for the party.

He told the House that alongside his friends in the Conservative caucus, they have accomplished a lot on both the government and Opposition side of the benches -- and most importantly, he says they've kept the party united and strong.

Guest: Michael Taube

Columnist with Troy Media

Former speechwriter for Conservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper

Guest: Sarah MacIntyre

Communications consultant with the group, Conservative Victory

Former press secretary to Conservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper



CKNW’s Jon McComb on his career, his life so far, and his retirement

After a half-century of broadcasting, my next guest is getting ready for his final show on the Vancouver airwaves tomorrow morning.

Jon McComb has been with CKNW radio for the past 36 years. He's the most listened to radio host in Vancouver today, and as he prepares to step down, we wanted to take some time to speak to the man behind the mic and reflect on his career, his life so far, and how he plans to spend his retirement.

Guest: Jon McComb

Jon McComb Show host



Andrew Scheer has resigned as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

Andrew Scheer is resigning as Conservative Party leader. He told the House of Commons this is the best decision for the party.

He told the House that alongside his friends in the Conservative caucus, they have accomplished a lot on both the government and Opposition side of the benches -- and most importantly, he says they've kept the party united and strong.

Mercedes Stephenson is the Ottawa Bureau Chief for Global News and Host of The West Block. She broke the story.

Guest: Charles Adler

Host, Charles Adler Tonight



Science With Simi: is B.C. at risk of a New Zealand-style volcanic eruption?

New Zealand military specialists are preparing to try to retrieve the bodies of eight victims of a volcanic eruption that claimed eight other lives and severely burned survivors on White Island.

Authorities say tomorrow's dangerous recovery attempt will go ahead, despite concerns that the volcano could erupt again.

On Thursday’s Science With Simi segment, we discussed the risks that exist here in British Columbia with a volcanologist from Simon Fraser University.

Guest: Glyn Williams-Jones

Simon Fraser University volcanologist



Mayors Council passes motion to fast track regional ride hailing licences

Members of the TransLink Mayors Council have passed a motion to fast track a regional business licence model for ride hailing.

Only Surrey Mayor, Doug McCallum, voted against; he says operations like Uber and Lyft are not welcome in his community and he is vowing to stop them.

The Horgan government has made a number of promises to have ride sharing up and running in BC, but those promises have yet to pan out, and time is running low with Christmas fast approaching.

One of the many hurdles: Metro Vancouver cities deciding to go it alone when it comes to licences and pricing, as opposed to approaching the issue as a unified region.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter                           

Guest: Andrew Weaver

Leader, B.C. Green Party



Andrew Scheer has resigned as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

Andrew Scheer is resigning as Conservative Party leader. He told the House of Commons this is the best decision for the party.

He told the House that alongside his friends in the Conservative caucus, they have accomplished a lot on both the government and Opposition side of the benches -- and most importantly, he says they've kept the party united and strong.

Guest: Colin Metcalfe

Senior Advisor at the McMillan Vantage Policy Group

Former director of regional affairs while James Moore was Conversative Industry Minister



Forestry contractors bring their protest to the B.C. Legislature

Independent contractors brought their message to the B.C. Legislature on Wednesday, as they campaigned for an end to the Western Forest Products strike.

Guest: Max Gerth

Rally organizer

Project Manager, Roc-Star Enterprises in Port Alberni



Which industries are the winners and losers in the CUSMA trade deal?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer sparred today in question period in the House of Commons, with the Opposition leader pushing his Liberal counterpart on the updated North American free trade deal.

Scheer quoted an American lawmaker who suggested Canada conceded to just about every point Democrats wanted before giving their political approval for the pact support by Republicans. Trudeau says the new deal will be good for the Canadian economy, workers and the environment.

The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement must be ratified by the legislatures in all three countries before it can come into force. Trudeau is promising Canada will do so as quickly as possible.

Guest: Mark Warner

Toronto trade lawyer who worked on original Nafta deal


🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

It’s @MikeSmythNews’s 🔥 question of the day:

Ridehailing supporters have called for a single metro Vancouver business license to operate. Do you support this idea? 

Yes, efficient! 
No, one licence per city.



Andrew Scheer has resigned as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

Andrew Scheer is resigning as Conservative Party leader. He told the House of Commons this is the best decision for the party.

He told the House that alongside his friends in the Conservative caucus, they have accomplished a lot on both the government and Opposition side of the benches -- and most importantly, he says they've kept the party united and strong.

Guest: Michael Taube

Columnist with Troy Media

Former speechwriter for Conservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper

Guest: Sarah MacIntyre

Communications consultant with the group, Conservative Victory

Former press secretary to Conservative Prime Minister, Stephen Harper



CKNW’s Jon McComb on his career, his life so far, and his retirement

After a half-century of broadcasting, my next guest is getting ready for his final show on the Vancouver airwaves tomorrow morning.

Jon McComb has been with CKNW radio for the past 36 years. He's the most listened to radio host in Vancouver today, and as he prepares to step down, we wanted to take some time to speak to the man behind the mic and reflect on his career, his life so far, and how he plans to spend his retirement.

Guest: Jon McComb

Jon McComb Show host



Andrew Scheer has resigned as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

Andrew Scheer is resigning as Conservative Party leader. He told the House of Commons this is the best decision for the party.

He told the House that alongside his friends in the Conservative caucus, they have accomplished a lot on both the government and Opposition side of the benches -- and most importantly, he says they've kept the party united and strong.

Mercedes Stephenson is the Ottawa Bureau Chief for Global News and Host of The West Block. She broke the story.

Guest: Charles Adler

Host, Charles Adler Tonight



Science With Simi: is B.C. at risk of a New Zealand-style volcanic eruption?

New Zealand military specialists are preparing to try to retrieve the bodies of eight victims of a volcanic eruption that claimed eight other lives and severely burned survivors on White Island.

Authorities say tomorrow's dangerous recovery attempt will go ahead, despite concerns that the volcano could erupt again.

On Thursday’s Science With Simi segment, we discussed the risks that exist here in British Columbia with a volcanologist from Simon Fraser University.

Guest: Glyn Williams-Jones

Simon Fraser University volcanologist



Mayors Council passes motion to fast track regional ride hailing licences

Members of the TransLink Mayors Council have passed a motion to fast track a regional business licence model for ride hailing.

Only Surrey Mayor, Doug McCallum, voted against; he says operations like Uber and Lyft are not welcome in his community and he is vowing to stop them.

The Horgan government has made a number of promises to have ride sharing up and running in BC, but those promises have yet to pan out, and time is running low with Christmas fast approaching.

One of the many hurdles: Metro Vancouver cities deciding to go it alone when it comes to licences and pricing, as opposed to approaching the issue as a unified region.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter                           

Guest: Andrew Weaver

Leader, B.C. Green Party



Andrew Scheer has resigned as leader of the Conservative Party of Canada

Andrew Scheer is resigning as Conservative Party leader. He told the House of Commons this is the best decision for the party.

He told the House that alongside his friends in the Conservative caucus, they have accomplished a lot on both the government and Opposition side of the benches -- and most importantly, he says they've kept the party united and strong.

Guest: Colin Metcalfe

Senior Advisor at the McMillan Vantage Policy Group

Former director of regional affairs while James Moore was Conversative Industry Minister



Forestry contractors bring their protest to the B.C. Legislature

Independent contractors brought their message to the B.C. Legislature on Wednesday, as they campaigned for an end to the Western Forest Products strike.

Guest: Max Gerth

Rally organizer

Project Manager, Roc-Star Enterprises in Port Alberni



Which industries are the winners and losers in the CUSMA trade deal?

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer sparred today in question period in the House of Commons, with the Opposition leader pushing his Liberal counterpart on the updated North American free trade deal.

Scheer quoted an American lawmaker who suggested Canada conceded to just about every point Democrats wanted before giving their political approval for the pact support by Republicans. Trudeau says the new deal will be good for the Canadian economy, workers and the environment.

The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement must be ratified by the legislatures in all three countries before it can come into force. Trudeau is promising Canada will do so as quickly as possible.

Guest: Mark Warner

Toronto trade lawyer who worked on original Nafta deal