Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer sparred today in question period in the House of Commons, with the Opposition leader pushing his Liberal counterpart on the updated North American free trade deal.

Scheer quoted an American lawmaker who suggested Canada conceded to just about every point Democrats wanted before giving their political approval for the pact support by Republicans. Trudeau says the new deal will be good for the Canadian economy, workers and the environment.

The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement must be ratified by the legislatures in all three countries before it can come into force. Trudeau is promising Canada will do so as quickly as possible.


Guest: Mark Warner

Toronto trade lawyer who worked on original Nafta deal

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Conservative Leader Andrew Scheer sparred today in question period in the House of Commons, with the Opposition leader pushing his Liberal counterpart on the updated North American free trade deal.

Scheer quoted an American lawmaker who suggested Canada conceded to just about every point Democrats wanted before giving their political approval for the pact support by Republicans. Trudeau says the new deal will be good for the Canadian economy, workers and the environment.

The Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement must be ratified by the legislatures in all three countries before it can come into force. Trudeau is promising Canada will do so as quickly as possible.


Guest: Mark Warner

Toronto trade lawyer who worked on original Nafta deal