Despite his many flaws, President Donald Trump has maintained a strong evangelical base. Why? How can many Christians continue to support a man who commits so many (by definition) sins?  In this week’s episode of the Global News podcast This Is Why, host and co-producer Niki Reitmayer spoke with several experts about this issue...including a man named Jim Wallis - the former spiritual advisor to both President’s George Bush and Barack Obama. Listen to a sample of this week’s episode on how evangelical Christians are divided on Donald Trump:

Guest: Niki Reitmayer

CKNW Contributor

Host and co-producer of the ‘This Is Why’ podcast

Despite his many flaws, President Donald Trump has maintained a strong evangelical base. Why? How can many Christians continue to support a man who commits so many (by definition) sins?
In this week’s episode of the Global News podcast This Is Why, host and co-producer Niki Reitmayer spoke with several experts about this issue...including a man named Jim Wallis - the former spiritual advisor to both President’s George Bush and Barack Obama. Listen to a sample of this week’s episode on how evangelical Christians are divided on Donald Trump:

Guest: Niki Reitmayer

CKNW Contributor

Host and co-producer of the ‘This Is Why’ podcast