Across the country this weekend, Canadians are preparing to remember those who have put their lives on the line to defend our nation. But of course, there remains a part of each community that helps serve our veterans all year round: the local Legion.

Nevertheless, they are facing challenges, and some of the Legions we are familiar with here in Vancouver are actually struggling to keep their doors open. Many others are closing up altogether, as older veterans pass on, and the numbers of new members becomes too small.

So how is the Royal Canadian Legion in this province responding to these challenges, and how are they adapting to the changing demographics in the communities they serve?

Guest: David Whittier

Executive Director of the Royal Canadian Legion’s BC and Yukon Command

Across the country this weekend, Canadians are preparing to remember those who have put their lives on the line to defend our nation. But of course, there remains a part of each community that helps serve our veterans all year round: the local Legion.

Nevertheless, they are facing challenges, and some of the Legions we are familiar with here in Vancouver are actually struggling to keep their doors open. Many others are closing up altogether, as older veterans pass on, and the numbers of new members becomes too small.

So how is the Royal Canadian Legion in this province responding to these challenges, and how are they adapting to the changing demographics in the communities they serve?

Guest: David Whittier

Executive Director of the Royal Canadian Legion’s BC and Yukon Command