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Who won in your eyes? Premier John Horgan and BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson sparred last night during a televised debate on changing the electoral system in BC. Wilkinson argued PR is too complicated, and Horgan asserted that BC needed to shake up its electoral system. Did any of the leaders score a knockout blow? The pair clashed and spoke over each other a number of times.Each of the leaders got the chance to ask the other a question. But the responses were riddled with interruptions.Despite Wilkinson spending the debate arguing against people voting for proportional representation on this referendum - he hinted he’s not entirely against the idea.Many times he say there should be Citizens Assembly on the issue - and *that* process should come up with what's on the ballot…

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief

Who won in your eyes? Premier John Horgan and BC Liberal Leader Andrew Wilkinson sparred last night during a televised debate on changing the electoral system in BC. Wilkinson argued PR is too complicated, and Horgan asserted that BC needed to shake up its electoral system. Did any of the leaders score a knockout blow?

The pair clashed and spoke over each other a number of times.

Each of the leaders got the chance to ask the other a question. But the responses were riddled with interruptions.

Despite Wilkinson spending the debate arguing against people voting for proportional representation on this referendum - he hinted he’s not entirely against the idea.

Many times he say there should be Citizens Assembly on the issue - and *that* process should come up with what's on the ballot…

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief