Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @MikeSmythNews's 🔥 question of the day: should the planned Broadway SkyTrain line in Vancouver be extended to UBC?

Yes! Great for students.

No, it causes problems.


Chapter 2

NDP bucks byelection trends to win big in Nanaimo

The BC NDP have retained their slender hold on power as their candidate easily won last night's provincial byelection in Nanaimo. It means the NDP-Green alliance still controls 44 seats in the legislature to the 42 seats held by the BC Liberals . But the victory comes at high cost to the BC Greens as that party fell to about seven per cent of the vote from the 20 per cent it captured in the last general election.

Guest: Andrew Wilkinson

Leader of the British Columbia Liberal Party

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief

Guest: Alise Mills

Media commentator and political analyst


Chapter 3

Transit police officer recovering after shooting at Surrey SkyTrain station

As the manhunt continues for the gunman who shot a transit cop on the platform of the Scott Road SkyTrain station, Surrey RCMP say roads in the area are open, but officers continues to check vehicles entering or leaving the area of King George Boulevard to 114th AVenue, and 125A Street to 124th Street.

As well, police are asking non-residents to stay away. They are telling residents to resume their regular activities, however they should remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity by calling 911.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter


Chapter 4

Cold weather on the way for Vancouver and Kamloops

Lots of talk these past few days about the ‘polar vortex’ sweeping so many other parts of the country… but now we’re going to get some of that cold weather coming our way.

Let’s check in with Mark Madryga for a look at what’s coming to us in Vancouver and Kamloops.

Guest: Mark Madryga

Global BC Chief Meteorologist


Chapter 5

How will the judge decide what the sentence should be for the semi-truck driver who crashed into the Humboldt Broncos’ bus?

A Crown prosecutor says a truck driver who caused the deadly Humboldt Broncos crash should serve 10 years in prison. Thomas Healey has told a sentencing hearing in Melfort, Saskatechewan, that the horrific and unprecedented collision calls for a lengthy sentence.

Jaskirat Singh Sidhu of Calgary has pleaded guilty to 29 counts of dangerous driving. Court has heard he blew through a stop sign and into the path of the junior hockey team's bus in rural Saskatchewan last April. 16 people died and 13 were injured.

Guest: Jennifer Quaid

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa


Chapter 6

Police misconduct in Surrey Six investigation revealed as publication ban is lifted

After a submission by Global News and the CBC, portions of a publication ban have been lifted and we can now reveal for the first time some of the details of the misconduct by RCMP officers investigating the Surrey Six murders.

One of those officers, Derek Brassington, was having parties and regular sex with a key witness in locations across Canada, during a timeframe that spanned months.

Brassington lied to other police officers, and manipulated the witness-protection program in order to spend time alone with the witness, who is being identified as 'Jane Doe 1' at the moment because of an ongoing publication ban on her name.

Guest: Kash Heed

Former Public Safety Minister and Former West Vancouver Police Chief


Chapter 7

Vancouver City Council votes to endorse SkyTrain extension to UBC

Vancouver City Council has voted to endorse an extension of the planned Broadway SkyTrain line, so that it goes all the way out to UBC. But some councillors have major concerns - including transit fares going up, the impact on businesses during construction, and land values skyrocketing which could push people further out from Vancouver.

Guest: Lisa Dominato

Vancouver City Councillor representing the NPA

Chapter 1

🔥🔥 Hot question of the day 🔥🔥

Vote in @MikeSmythNews's 🔥 question of the day: should the planned Broadway SkyTrain line in Vancouver be extended to UBC?

Yes! Great for students.
No, it causes problems.


Chapter 2

NDP bucks byelection trends to win big in Nanaimo

The BC NDP have retained their slender hold on power as their candidate easily won last night's provincial byelection in Nanaimo. It means the NDP-Green alliance still controls 44 seats in the legislature to the 42 seats held by the BC Liberals . But the victory comes at high cost to the BC Greens as that party fell to about seven per cent of the vote from the 20 per cent it captured in the last general election.

Guest: Andrew Wilkinson

Leader of the British Columbia Liberal Party

Guest: Keith Baldrey

Global BC Legislative Bureau Chief

Guest: Alise Mills

Media commentator and political analyst


Chapter 3

Transit police officer recovering after shooting at Surrey SkyTrain station

As the manhunt continues for the gunman who shot a transit cop on the platform of the Scott Road SkyTrain station, Surrey RCMP say roads in the area are open, but officers continues to check vehicles entering or leaving the area of King George Boulevard to 114th AVenue, and 125A Street to 124th Street.

As well, police are asking non-residents to stay away. They are telling residents to resume their regular activities, however they should remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity by calling 911.

Guest: Janet Brown

Global News Senior Reporter


Chapter 4

Cold weather on the way for Vancouver and Kamloops

Lots of talk these past few days about the ‘polar vortex’ sweeping so many other parts of the country… but now we’re going to get some of that cold weather coming our way.

Let’s check in with Mark Madryga for a look at what’s coming to us in Vancouver and Kamloops.

Guest: Mark Madryga

Global BC Chief Meteorologist


Chapter 5

How will the judge decide what the sentence should be for the semi-truck driver who crashed into the Humboldt Broncos’ bus?

A Crown prosecutor says a truck driver who caused the deadly Humboldt Broncos crash should serve 10 years in prison. Thomas Healey has told a sentencing hearing in Melfort, Saskatechewan, that the horrific and unprecedented collision calls for a lengthy sentence.

Jaskirat Singh Sidhu of Calgary has pleaded guilty to 29 counts of dangerous driving. Court has heard he blew through a stop sign and into the path of the junior hockey team's bus in rural Saskatchewan last April. 16 people died and 13 were injured.

Guest: Jennifer Quaid

Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Law at the University of Ottawa


Chapter 6

Police misconduct in Surrey Six investigation revealed as publication ban is lifted

After a submission by Global News and the CBC, portions of a publication ban have been lifted and we can now reveal for the first time some of the details of the misconduct by RCMP officers investigating the Surrey Six murders.

One of those officers, Derek Brassington, was having parties and regular sex with a key witness in locations across Canada, during a timeframe that spanned months.

Brassington lied to other police officers, and manipulated the witness-protection program in order to spend time alone with the witness, who is being identified as 'Jane Doe 1' at the moment because of an ongoing publication ban on her name.

Guest: Kash Heed

Former Public Safety Minister and Former West Vancouver Police Chief


Chapter 7

Vancouver City Council votes to endorse SkyTrain extension to UBC

Vancouver City Council has voted to endorse an extension of the planned Broadway SkyTrain line, so that it goes all the way out to UBC. But some councillors have major concerns - including transit fares going up, the impact on businesses during construction, and land values skyrocketing which could push people further out from Vancouver.

Guest: Lisa Dominato

Vancouver City Councillor representing the NPA