Vinney Chopra came to the United States from India more than 40 years ago, he had only $7 in his pockets. But he knew without a doubt that the opportunities offered by this country were within reach because he had a vision for his life plus the commitment to learn, work hard and sacrifice to achieve those goals. With a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering, he entered George Washington University to seek a master of business administration degree in marketing and advertising. He sold Bibles and educational books door-to-door to support his studies, excelling both in the classroom and outside because of his work ethic and overwhelmingly positive attitude. There’s a reason Vinney’s nickname is “Mr. Smiles,” which is evident even through just hearing the demeanor in his voice!   

He has always believed in individuals’ ability to shape the world around them through positive thought and selfless actions, and he has been a passionate motivational speaker and teacher for over three decades. After getting a taste of sales and marketing while pursuing his MBA, Vinney decided to leave engineering altogether and become a motivational speaker and fundraiser. He worked tirelessly to build a clientele that would work with him annually to raise the funds to meet their goals and dreams. Vinney's diversity of experience in the Multifamily arena makes him unique. He has successfully completed 28 syndications and has over $358 million dollars in his Multifamily Portfolio. He has his own Property Management company with 60+ personnel and has over 4500 units under management.