Joe grew up in the Philadelphia suburbs and has been a life long investor who started at the age of 19, back in 2001. Over the last 19 years he has invested in over 100 residential properties and 40 commercial properties. In 2011 one of his private investor led him to note investing, where he bought non performing mortgages from hedge funds and banks. Joe got in at the right time and acquired over 2800 residential mortgages over the course of 8 years. His success in note investing created income and wealth for investors, partners and founders. Throughout the last decade his fascination with minimizing his tax bill and beating out wall street returns led him to participate in many different tax strategies including a company retirement plan, Roth IRA's, traditional IRA, and Act of 22 of Puerto Rico. In 2014 he decided to make the move to Puerto Rico and participate in in certain tax benefits known as Act 22. With his desire to constantly learn and seek out trends, he ventured into blockchain startups and digital assets.