Grant had 3 rentals in 2003 and was in and out of the game fast due to lack of experience, personal issues, and not knowing how to deal with tenants. In 2014 he met his wife and bought their first single-family home in December of the same year. They Built their portfolio to 11 units in 2 years with very little money using a combination of the BRRRR method and Blanket Loans. In January 2018 quit a 23-year career job in construction to become the Director of Operations for a Property Management Company in Southeast Michigan where he managed over 800 total units. 

On June 28th, 2019 quit the Property Management Job due to a lack of time to focus on building his apartment portfolio. Personally owns and manages with his wife their 37 unit portfolio consisting of a 20 unit apartment building, an 11 unit Apartment Building, and 6 single-family rentals. Currently works as a Realtor @Warrington Group Real Estate focusing on Southeast Michigan.

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