Missed episode 1? Hear Rob share how you can achieve your goals of writing and publishing your own Kindle eBook today. Learn Rob's outlining process for writing non-fiction books. Plus Rob shares his blueprint for book launching in today's episode!

What's Discussed in This Episode:

Rob's process of outlining and writing his book

How Rob perfected his marketing schedule

Rob's blueprint for book launching

Understanding Amazon Sales Ranking system

How to design your books to revolve around your brand for consistency

Why you need to do survey for feedback with your books before publishing

How to set writing goals to achieve the eBook finish line

Rob's process for editing his first drafts of his eBooks

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Use Elance or oDesk for editing

Pat Flynn's Kindle Publishing Facebook Group

Ani Alexander's Write to Be Read Podcast

Learn More About Rob:

Rob is a Amazon bestselling author, online teacher, and graphic designer. In the past year, he's published 4 eBooks on Amazon: From Freelancer to EntrepreneurBuild a Brand, Sell Products and Earn Passive IncomeRunning A Web Design Business From Home, and How to Sell Video Courses Online.

Connect with Rob:

Rob's website
Rob's Twitter
Rob's podcast

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