Learn how you can finally achieve your goals of writing and publishing your own Kindle eBook today. In today's episode, we have special guest Rob Cubbon, who's published 4 Kindle eBooks in the past year, share with us his tips and strategies to getting launched on Kindle now!

What's Discussed in This Episode:

Rob shares how he went from freelance designer to an online marketer and blogger
How Rob started an online web design business
Rob shares the different ways he's been upping his passive income through: eBooks, online courses, video learning, and more
Rob's source of inspiration to start writing eBooks
How Rob got started with eBook publishing
How Rob transitioned from PDF eBooks to Kindle eBooks
Why you should focus your time most on content and not how your eBook looks
Where to go to gain feedback on your book idea
Why you need to get a book on Kindle now
How long it took Rob to write his first book

Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Pat Flynn's interview with Darren Rowse and how he compiled 31 blog posts into an eBook and sold 16,000 copies

Learn More About Rob:

Rob is a Amazon bestselling author, online teacher, and graphic designer. In the past year, he's published 4 eBooks on Amazon: From Freelancer to EntrepreneurBuild a Brand, Sell Products and Earn Passive IncomeRunning A Web Design Business From Home, and How to Sell Video Courses Online.

Connect with Rob:

Rob's website
Rob's Twitter
Rob's podcast

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