Today, Phil is joined by Senior Vice President and Director of Strategic Alliances, Theresa Silcox. The two discuss their viewpoints on relationships and how to strengthen and protect those relationships both inside and outside the workplace.


In this episode of First Friday Feedback, we address the question “How to effectively navigate a successful sales interaction?” by determining if one’s sales efforts are best executed through relationship development or through the challenger approach. We also discuss the question “How does one avoid or diffuse situations where political differences create unwanted tension?” by volunteering our perspective on how to approach this delicate conversation in both a digital and face-to-face environment.



Please send comments, questions, and feedback to: [email protected]

Please send First Friday Feedback submissions to: [email protected]



The Challenger Sale by Matthew Dixon and Brent Adamson:

Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson:

“This Year it’s Okay to Talk Politics with Clients” by Paul Hechinger (article mentioned by listener, “Continuously Conflicted”):