Surabhi Veitch interviews amazing teacher, yoga instructor, and human, Wini Linguvic. We discuss how yoga is a tool that can be used to make us feel better, and how it is for everyone - even if you are not flexible, injured or feel like you don’t have enough time. We explore how yoga can be used to reach a state of meditation, where our mind is clear, focused and attentive to our bodies. We highlight that comparing yourself with others and accepting negative labels only hinders your progress in yoga, pregnancy and life. Wini also gives insight into the connection between all humans, and how this can be amplified through yoga.


We discuss:

- Three main goals of a yoga class

- Shortcomings of the ‘all or nothing’ mindset

- How to incorporate yoga into your life

- How meditation is NOT a verb but a noun.

- Who is yoga for? (spoiler: everyone!)

- The issue with comparing yourself with others

- The dangers of accepting negative labels

- How yoga can connect us with others and ourselves

Wini’s Bio

Teacher, researcher, and bestselling author Wini Linguvic teaches useful and usable yoga that seriously works without taking herself too seriously. Sh is the founder of The Elevate Practice, an online yoga subscription where you discover that the best yoga for YOU is the yoga you ACTUALLY do.

-Check out Wini’s website:

-Find Wini on Instagram @winilinguvic


Connect with Surabhi:

-Find Surabhi on Instagram or Facebook @thepassionatephysio
