Transitioning to having any number of kids is hard! In this episode, I share my personal experience and my honest perspective on the transition from 1 to 2 kids. In a society that conditions you to want to have at least 2 kids, I challenge that and invite you to consider whether more kids is something you truly want. I reflect on other common concerns, the mixed feelings (let’s normalize that, ya?), and why the “right time” doesn’t exist.

I also share my experience with transitioning to 2 kids, strategies that helped my older child with the transition, and some of the challenges that I was not prepared for.


Note: I know it can be even harder to think about this topic if experiencing fertility challenges or experiencing loss. I want to acknowledge that this choice of "should I have another child?" is not something that all people are given, and that it is a privilege in itself to be able to choose.


Links & Resources:

-Pregnant or postpartum and need support? Book your 1:1 online or in-person consult and let’s get you feeling better and stronger!

-Connect with me on Instagram or Facebook @thepassionatephysio

-Email me [email protected]



Books to help toddlers prepare for new baby:

Lola reads to Leo by Anna McQuinn

Where do babies come from? by Dr. Jillian Roberts