Surabhi Veitch interviews Amanda Vecchiola about surrogacy, parenting through a surrogacy journey, and common misconceptions about the surrogacy process. Whether you’re considering surrogacy, have never considered it, are pregnant or plan to be pregnant, listen to this extremely inspiring and affirming episode.


We discuss

- Amanda’s own journeys into motherhood

- How did she know she wanted to do a surrogate journey?

- How did she meet the intended parents?

- What are the biggest misconceptions about surrogacy?

- Does she get paid to be a surrogate?

- How did she find your agency?

- How did she match with her intended parents?

- What goes into the screening process?

- Amanda’s tips for the pregnancy process

Amanda’s Bio:

A mother of two, a nurse of over 7 years, will be completing a surrogate journey this year.

- Email Amanda: [email protected]

- Agency: Hive surrogacy Instagram @hivesurrogacy

Connect with Surabhi:

Find Surabhi on Instagram or Facebook @thepassionatephysio
