Do you ever dread trying to get your kids to sleep while traveling?

Today we have Certified Infant and Child Sleep Consultant, Eva Klein on the show.  Being a travel agent and helping clients plan their perfect trip I thought it would be great to have Eva on the show today to talk about sleep while traveling.  We all know that not getting sleep or kids not sleeping while on vacation can really impact how much fun we can have. So, Eva shares with us how to adjust to sleeping in different environments, and helping our kids with time differences. She she shares with us some great ideas with renting baby equipment so that you are not having to pack it on an airplane.  One topic that really stood out to me is how to get your kids back on track when you get home. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast.


If you liked this episode,  make sure to check out the episode I did talking all about Disney Cruises and why its such an amazing family vacation and how its perfect for both the parents and the kids!:

Resources mentioned in the show:
Lean 7 week online weight loss program:
I had the pleasure of doing a four-part series with Registered Dietitian Amanda Nighbert. On this first episode of the series you’ll  find out:
What intermittent fasting is and how it works
How intermittent fasting can help you lose weight and keep it off
Nutritional myths that could be keeping you from losing weight
How bulletproof coffee helps you burn fat (see recipe below)
…And more!
Click on the link below to get $20 off Amanda’s program and get ready to kick that slow metabolism into HIGH gear!

Get Started
*Discount is for first-time customers... If you’ve done this program before, we haven’t forgotten about you! Click here to get $10 off.
Guest Info:
Eva Klein

FREE eBook will give you the tips and tricks you need to get your baby sleeping peacefully:free e-book




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