The “Your Story” Series

Today we are stoked to hear from Julia Parzyck, an eating disorder recovery coach and body-acceptance influencer @fitfatandallthat, who joined us to share her story of healing and touch on the important piece of healing that includes putting a critical eye towards the wellness industry, diet culture, and redefining the term “healthy.”

Many people think that those in the anti diet world over analyze language and that don’t promote health - but what people fail to understand is that we are SO passionate about health. What we truly want to critique and overanalyze is how the subtle comments about our bodies and others bodies, about good foods and bad foods, about healthy weight vs unhealthy weight, and about simplifying healthy to really mean skinny absolutely destroys the key foundation to health. The true foundation of health is decreased body shame, flexibility with food, awareness of our unique genetic makeup, and realizing that our bodies are just a vehicle to our souls. If our souls cannot freely fly because they are weighed down by our insecurities and obsession with our appearance, then we are not healthy.

As you listen to Julia’s story, and as you navigate healing your body, try to keep this reflection prompt in mind: what piece of your food or fitness routine do you need to take a critical, anti diet lens to in order to explore your intentions and cultural messaging?



The “Your Story” season is sponsored by Dia & Co, a styling service and shop that exclusively serves women sizes 14-32 with clothing that offers exceptional quality and fit. To get your 30% off discount, head to and use our code MOMGENES.


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